
The following are either completed or ongoing projects
My Gitlab Account contains all my public projects

I am a big proponent of Free Software All my projects are released under Public licenses of one sort or another. I encourage reuse, adaption and improvement of any software I write

Project Description
multibooty A utility to allow a single USB stick to boot any number of Linux based ISOs placed on it.
perl-ValueObject A library implementing value objects for common data types for Perl.
pipeline status coverage report
redirecttoken PHP Package to generate tokens for validating redirections
pipeline status coverage report
redirecttoken-laravel Laravel integration for the redirecttoken PHP package
pipeline status coverage report
top-gun-quote Get a random quote from Top Gun
IPPI PHP Laravel Web based tool to track your IP space
SOAP::WinRM Perl Module to contact Windows Machines running WinRM and run commands using Windows Remote Shell (WinRS).
claim_packtpub_free_learning_ebook Script to login to your Packtpub account and claim the free learning eBook
munin-openvpn_ OpenVPN plugin for munin (Yet another one)
Mediastalker A simple MySQL backed CGI script to monitor and track your physical media.. never lose a DVD again!
RPGWNN (Role Playing Game With No Name) An extensible framework for producing Online RPG games writen in Perl using Catalyst. ... and of course this site. Built using PHP, Laravel, MariaDB, Bootstrap, jQuery

The Spamassassin plugin suite

Project Description
Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::CountryFilter SpamAssassin plugin to score messages based on country of origin or countries that the message is relayed through.
Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::RelayCount Spamassassin Plugin to score messages based on number of systems the email has been relayed through.
Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::BitcoinAbuse Spamassassin Plugin to scan messages for Bitcoin addresses known to be used in abuse emails (phishing, blackmail spam, etc).
pipeline status coverage report
ak-custom-spamassassin-rules A collection of Spamassassin rules to help filter out common spam
pipeline status

The Nagios plugin suite

Project Description
nagios-plugin-check_puppet_run Nagios plugin to monitor puppet run results and last run time
nagios-plugin-check_disk_io A nagios plugin to report IO on block devices, handles multiple devices and reports current usage and usage since last reboot.
nagios-plugin-check_btc_miner A nagios plugin to report bitcoin miner performance
nagios-plugin-check_zone_serial Nagios plugin to check the zone file serial numbers on nameservers
nagios-plugin-check_openvpn_status Nagios plugin to check status of an OpenVPN server
nagios-plugin-check_cert_ssllabs Check a website's SSL config against the SSLLabs API
nagios-plugin-check_dnsblgo Check an IP address against a list of DNSBLs
nagios-plugin-check_wireguard Nagios plugin check for Wireguard servers
pipeline status coverage report

Metatrader 4 EAs (Expert Adviser) Trading Bots

Project Description
mt4-ak-macross Moving Average Cross trading bot with TP/SL/Trailing SL
mt4-FauXCharger Open Source Clone of the FXCharger Metatrader4 Expert Adviser

Misc Systems Admin Snippets

© Alasdair Keyes

IT Consultancy Services

I'm now available for IT consultancy and software development services - Cloudee LTD.

Happy user of Digital Ocean (Affiliate link)


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