Development Prompt

Posted: 2017-09-10 11:16:00 by Alasdair Keyes

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I've been looking at a way to streamline my development recently, and I picked up on a couple of problems that I was facing.

I knocked up the following changes to my BASH prompt to help me tackle this.

My prompt now has he following field for previous status.

alasdair@machine (OK) ~ $ 

OK shows that the last command exited with 0

alasdair@machine (OK) ~ $ sdgsdfgsdfhsdfh
sdgsdfgsdfhsdfh: command not found
alasdair@machine (127) ~ $ 

On error the status will be shown instead

In addition, when I'm in a git repository, an extra field is added showing the following


In reality, this looks like so

alasdair@machine (OK) (myrepo.git[master]-1:3) ~/myrepo $

I can see that on the master branch I have 1 modified file and 3 untracked files.

The code to achieve this is in the following gist - Just add to your .bashrc, .bash_profile or whichever file you use to control such things.

If you modify this, make sure that the last_command_status() function is called first, otherwise you'll get incorrect return values being picked up.

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© Alasdair Keyes

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