FLOSS and CentOS

Posted: 2010-11-18 16:44:24 by Alasdair Keyes

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Earlier today I watched this podcast from FLOSS (Free Libre Open Source Software) on the TWiT Network whose special guest was Karanbir Singh from the CentOS project. Karanbir talked about CentOS, it's start in life, it's relationship with the Redhat Enterprise Linux system and his experiences with the project which were very interesting to listen to.

Being a lead developer on CentOS, Karanbir commits most of the package updates for the CentOS 5 systems I use at both home and work and I get many emails from him via the CentOS Announce list advising of new package commits. In a strange way it was interesting to see the person who I've never met and probably never will but has huge influence over my work life.

If you're interested in hearing about Open Source projects or use CentOS on any machines, I'd highly recommend spending an hour and watching (or listening) to this.

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© Alasdair Keyes

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