MySQL Tuner

Posted: 2014-03-28 16:18:08 by Alasdair Keyes

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Sometimes an often overlooked source of poor system performance is the database. Developers and sysads can often become complacent and just continue piling data into a database without a second thought and assume that it will always carry on performing the way we'd like.

We had a mail server in our cluster at work performing poorly, and it appeared to be MySQL not keeping up with the amount of queries it was performing due to a high number of SMTP connections.

When checking the setup, I was surprised to see that no tuning had been done, even simple things like thread/table/query cache weren't enabled. Apparently these servers had slipped through the net as we'd not experienced any trouble with them before.

I broke out the trusty Mysql-Tuner tool, which should be at hand for any MySQL admin. It's an incredibly useful and easy way to diagnose simple and quick performance tweaks for your database.

It's a read-only script, so doesn't change your configuration, just alerts you to potential problems, so even if your DB is running perfectly, it's always worth running it just to see if you can improve something even further.

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© Alasdair Keyes

IT Consultancy Services

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